Can "fake" be a transion verb?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/09 18:20:22
normally fake can be a verb used as "He faked a pass and then handed the ball off o Perry.

can I write: we had to fake the funeral.(past tense)
can I use fake here as a transition verb?
anything wrong with this sentense?

我想应该不行 没见过fake这么用的,这么用好像说不通.
n. 假货,欺蹒
a. 假的
v. 假造,仿造


actually,i don't think this sentence is logical.
besides,i don't know exactly what you mean "fake the funeral"
u're gona fake a funeral? or u're gona imitate a funeral?
it's ridiculous to fake something like that!